Hi People, here some “maybe” usefull information about theXtream Codes v2 API Examples – didnt try it by myself You schould be able to use it against you XC v2 CMS server
Creating New Line
To create a New line, we will call the following URL.
The above URL, accepts the POST action, and to create a new line we will have to specify some arguments in an array called user_data
Example Code:
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$username = 'test_username';
$password = 'test_password';
$max_connections = 1;
$reseller = 1;
$bouquet_ids = array(
3 );
$expire_date = strtotime( "+1 month" );
$post_data = array( 'user_data' => array(
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'max_connections' => $max_connections,
'is_restreamer' => $reseller,
'exp_date' => $expire_date,
'bouquet' => json_encode( $bouquet_ids ) ) );
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=user&sub=create", false, $context ) );
If you leave the username and/or password elements empty, the system will generate random characters for these 2 fields. In addition, leaving any field empty, api will use the default value for this field according to SQL Database. So theoretically, you can make a line with just Calling the Above URL, without any parameter, however the created user, wont have any bouquets inside.
You can call any other element that is in the database like
- member_id
- admin_enabled
- enabled
- allowed_ips
- allowed_ua
- force_server_id
- is_isplock
- admin_notes
- and so on…
If you want to set the allowed_ips/allowed_ua since this is a JSON Encoded format you can do it like bouquet in the above Code.
The API will return a simple json encoded string that upon decoding will contain the element result which returns true/false.
Example(API Success)
The API returned as the username/password of the NEW line, as well as the ID so we can use it wherever we want.
Example(API Failed)
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR"}
The Username you specified already exists in the database - PARAMETER ERROR
You wrote invalid characters in your user_data array
Editing Line
To procedure to edit a line is very similar to the above. The URL we will call this time is
- username
- password
- user_data array
For example if we want to Edit the Expire Date, make the line restreamer and adjusting the max connections to 10 we will do it like this:
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$username = 'test_username';
$password = 'test_password';
$max_connections = 10;
$reseller = 1;
$expire_date = strtotime( "+1 month" ); //from the time now, not from line's expire date.
$post_data = array(
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'user_data' => array(
'max_connections' => $max_connections,
'is_restreamer' => $reseller,
'exp_date' => $expire_date ) );
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=user&sub=edit", false, $context ) );
In the above example, we will edit the max_connections, is_restreamer and exp_date for our line with username test_username, and password test_password that already exists in our database.
Example(API Success)
Example(API Failed)
{"result":false,"error":"NOT EXISTS"}
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR"}
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR (user\/pass)"}
The Username / Password you specified are not exists in the database - PARAMETER ERROR
You wrote invalid characters in your user_data array - PARAMETER ERROR (user/pass)
The Username OR/AND Password elements are missing
View Line Information
With this API call, we will get all the information available about our line including the active connections.
The URL we will call this time is
- username
- password
It will return a JSON Encoded string, with all information that you might want.
Example Code:
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$username = "username";
$password = "passwrd";
$post_data = array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password );
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=user&sub=info", false, $context ), true );
if ( $api_result['result'] )
echo "Active Connections (Now): " . $api_result['user_info']['active_cons'];
echo "\nCurrent Expire Date: " . (( empty( $api_result['user_info']['exp_date'] ) ) ? 'Unlimited' : strtotime( $api_result['user_info']['exp_date'] ));
echo "\nMax Connections: " . $api_result['user_info']['max_connections'];
echo "\nAvailable Channel IDs: " . implode( ',', $api_result['user_info']['channel_ids'] );
echo 'FAILED';
Create/Edit & View Information on MAG Devices
The procedure is almost the same as creating/editing & view info on a user line. The only difference is that instead of calling the user action, we will the stb action. Of course instead of username/password we will just have the mac parameter.
Example API Call To Create New MAG
- user_data[mac]
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$mac = '00:1A:79:79:79:79';
$bouquet_ids = array(
3 );
$expire_date = strtotime( "+1 month" );
$post_data = array( 'user_data' => array(
'mac' => $mac,
'exp_date' => $expire_date,
'bouquet' => json_encode( $bouquet_ids ) ) );
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=stb&sub=create", false, $context ) );
Example(API Success)
Example(API Failed)
{"result":false,"error":"NOT EXISTS"}
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR"}
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR (mac)"}
The MAC already exists in the database - PARAMETER ERROR
You wrote invalid characters in your user_data array - PARAMETER ERROR (mac)
The MAC Parameter was missing
Example API Call To Edit a MAG Device
- mac
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$mac = '00:1A:79:79:79:79';
$bouquet_ids = array(
3 );
$expire_date = strtotime( "+1 month" );
$post_data = array( 'mac' => $mac, 'user_data' => array( 'exp_date' => $expire_date, 'bouquet' => json_encode( $bouquet_ids ) ) );
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=stb&sub=edit", false, $context ) );
Example(API Success)
Example(API Failed)
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR"}
{"result":false,"error":"PARAMETER ERROR (mac)"}
- no error
The updated information, are the same as in the database, so no action taken. - PARAMETER ERROR
You wrote invalid characters in your user_data array - PARAMETER ERROR (mac)
The MAC Parameter was missing
View Information MAG Device
- mac
It will return a JSON Encoded string, with all information that you might want.
Example Code:
$panel_url = 'http://DNS:PORT/';
$mac = '00:1A:79:79:79:79';
$post_data = array( 'mac' => $mac);
$opts = array( 'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query( $post_data ) ) );
$context = stream_context_create( $opts );
$api_result = json_decode( file_get_contents( $panel_url . "api.php?action=stb&sub=info", false, $context ), true );
if ( $api_result['result'] )
echo "Active Connections (Now): " . $api_result['user_info']['active_cons'];
echo "\nCurrent Expire Date: " . ( ( empty( $api_result['user_info']['exp_date'] ) ) ? 'Unlimited' : strtotime( $api_result['user_info']['exp_date'] ) );
echo "\nMax Connections: " . $api_result['user_info']['max_connections'];
echo "\nAvailable Channel IDs: " . implode( ',', $api_result['user_info']['channel_ids'] );
echo 'FAILED';
- View Server List
Perform this request, to view all your servers, main & load balancers including their statushttp://your_dns:port/api.php?action=server&sub=list
- View Online Streams
Perform this request, to view only the online Live Streamshttp://your_dns:port/api.php?action=stream&sub=online
- View Offline Streams
Perform this request, to view only the Offline Live Streamshttp://your_dns:port/api.php?action=server&sub=offline
- Start/Restart A Stream
Perform this request, to start or restart a Live Stream. The last argument is an array in which you can specify the stream ids. It works with POST method as well.http://your_dns:port/api.php?action=stream&sub=start&stream_ids[]=1
- Stop A Stream
Perform this request, to stop a Live Stream. The last argument is an array in which you can specify the stream ids. It works with POST method as well.http://your_dns:port/api.php?action=streamsub=stop&stream_ids[]=1
- Start VOD Encoding (Applies for series episodes as well )
- Perform this request, to start a VOD Encoding process. The last argument is an array in which you can specify the stream ids. It works with POST method as well.
- Stop A VOD Encoding
Perform this request, to stop a VOD Encoding. The last argument is an array in which you can specify the stream ids. It works with POST method as well.http://your_dns:port/api.php?action=vod=stop&stream_ids[]=1
- View Server List
- View Registered Users list
Perform this request, to view all your registered users along with their email, username, credits, member group etchttp://your_dns:port/api.php?action=reg_user&sub=list
- Add/Remove Credits
Perform this request, to add or remove credits from a userhttp://your_dns:port/api.php?action=reg_user&sub=credits&amount=X&id=X
The amount can be either positive or negative number. If you are trying to remove an amount of credits higher than the current credits of the user you will receive an error message ( NOT ENOUGH CREDITS )
The id, is the id of the user. You can also perform the same request using username parameter.