20 FFmpeg Commands For Beginners

20 FFmpeg Commands For Beginners In this guide, I will be explaining how to use FFmpeg multimedia framework to do various audio and video transcoding, conversion operations with examples. I have compiled most commonly and frequently used 20 FFmpeg commands… Read more20 FFmpeg Commands For Beginners
Xtream-UI Load Balancer Installation
XtreamUI SSL

XtreamUI SSL Start your broadcasting business with the most used IPTV Middleware Xtream-UI Panel Xtream-UI Panel based on Powerfull Backbone of Codes Panel Pro. It is currently the once professional solution with wide range compatibility, unlimited scale and provide a… Read moreXtreamUI SSL
The wonderful world of Stalker IPTV

The wonderful world of Stalker IPTV To start with an attack, one first has to gain some knowledge! My first starting point was a very long time ago at the moment that the m3u-stream references came into picture on several… Read moreThe wonderful world of Stalker IPTV
XtreamUI Things

XtreamUI allows IPTV streaming providers to manage their own IPTV or VOD service and their customer database. … Xtream-UI Panel is a software to build your own IPTV Server from scratch. It supports all common protocols as an input and… Read moreXtreamUI Things
NVENC and NvFBC patches for Nvidia drivers

NVENC patch removes restriction on maximum number of simultaneous NVENC video encoding sessions imposed by Nvidia to consumer-grade GPUs. NvFBC patch allows to use NvFBC on consumer-grade GPUs. It should be applied same way as NVENC patch.sh, except you have to use patch-fbc.sh instead. Main… Read moreNVENC and NvFBC patches for Nvidia drivers